Sunday, October 18, 2009

Break-up Blues & Green Eyed Jealousy Monsters

This project was a factor in my breakup with a boyfriend two days ago.

Every man I have been in a relationship in (with the exception of my Lolita-esque relationship with a man twice my age when I was 19 year old) developed a green eyed jealousy monster, the eye growing greener and larger as the months went on. The monster would take him over and... we all know there few things scrarier that the jealousy monster.

I am not a virgin nor whore; I am both, I will shift from one to the other and back again.

For the record that is my eye up there, and it is green, and I am also guilty for having been jealous and holding down someone's spirit in that way before, but I'm learning every day that none of us belong to each other, that you are sharing yourself and they are sharing themselves and this transience may or may not turn into forever, (usually it doesn't), so just relish the moment...


  1. "let there be spaces in your togetherness, and let the winds of the heavens dance between you"
    -Khalil Gibran

  2. Ah, jealousy. Poisonous feeling, so destructive. I think your project is bold and admirable and sexy. I look forward to seeing the photographs.

  3. I will do things to you, as I wish. Instead, you can only do one of two things. Watch, or ask me to stop. If you ask me to stop, I will stop and leave. And that will be the end of the game. On the other hand, I can willfully stop at any point of the game, as it is my decision to stop or continue at any time. But in that case, you can always ask me to continue … if you want … it will be my decision to continue or not … it depends on how convincing your request is … Both you and I will desire the continuation of the game … but if we don’t play right … if we dare too much…or too little…the game will end… It is a simple game …right? Do you want to play?

  4. Green eyes are the best eyes. Monsters are okay, but don't get me started on Wizards. FV©K a bunch a damn Wizards.

  5. oh no Martini, i like them wizards, they bark but dont bite, jealousy monsters dont bark, they just bite- without warning!

    Corto, your game sounds both scary and exciting...

    Alaina, thank you,, very much apprecaite words of encouragement, and i too cant wait to share them- they will likely come a photo per blog post to start, stay tuned :)

    Anonymous, one of my favorite Khalil quotes, thank you.

  6. Excitement can be scary ... at times :-)

  7. Anonymous, the best excitement is, true! :)

  8. I was a possessor, a monster. Its a road that leads to no where. You cannot keep a butterfly in a glass jar and expect it to be happy.

  9. Rick, it takes a lot to admit one's monstrosities, I am certain you are a better amn for it.
